




代表 職人 藤井幸弘




1986年 国立市にオーダーメイド鞄店 Fugee  をオープン。

1994年 渋谷区鶯谷町に移転

2012年 現在の豊島区要町にアトリエを移す


職人 金原リエ




We think what is important in the creating process is the intent and mastery the maker can put into the work.

As artisans, we must always strive to make sure our work reflects and expresses our vision.

In addition technical expertise, concept is an important element in our bag making.  We believe that beautiful and attractive objects are created from the heart and soul of the maker.

To make a bespoke bag, we explore not only the functional style,but also endeavour to incorporate all our knowledge,technical skill and effort.

From conception to making a test piece; hand sewing all of our bags and even making our own metal fittings.  Everything is done in order to bring out the best quality in our works.

We would be delighted if you feel something more than just design in a Fugee bag.


Yukihiro fujii

My carrier of  bag making was started when 30 years old, after the professional life as engineer.

Disassembling high quality antique bags were the best source of learning for me.

My philosophy of pursuing the ultimate quality with the highest technic and the aesthetic was developed in this experience.

In 1986, opened FUGEE, an order made bag shop in Tokyo.


Rie Kimbara

Involved in Fugee bag making since 1995.

As a student  I majored in product design but was awakened  to the excitement of pursuing the ultimate style and form

that can only be produced by those who have an in-depth knowledge of materials and tailoring .

©fugee,All Rights Reserved.